Accept Difference; Not indifference

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 2:29pm

As a key message and the root of all we teach at KSJ, can you imagine the disappointment when you receive a report that someone has used a derogative term in school?

Gutted was the answer.  But our children are learning.  There may be a case of them not knowing what it means.  Could it have been deliberately used to cause offence or harm.

It turned out not, but to sweep it away would be unacceptable.  It was imperative that we took that moment, and used it for good.  USed it to teach about making our world a better place.  
Helping our children know that racism in this world stops with them and they have the power to make our world a better place.


A huge thank you to the wonderful people of our world who have fought to bring happines and equality for all.


Here is the power point we shared.

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