School Lunches

School Lunches

The school endeavours to provide a healthy school dinner with rolling three week menus on the attachment and dated below:

w/c 09 January - Week 1 

w/c 16 January - Week 2 

w/c 23 January  Week 3 

The cost of a school dinner is £2.45 per day/ £12.25 per week. Payment can be made online via the parentpay system.

All children in Reception and KS1 (years 1 and 2) will receive a free school meal.

Menus are available by clicking the link below.

Some pupils will be eligible for free school meals. There have recently been some changes made to the thresholds for free school meals, so please call 0300 123 7039 to see if your child is eligible.

A hot midday meal is provided at school by Edsential Catering. 

Packed Lunch

If your child brings a packed lunch please label the lunch box with their name and make sure that drinks are in non-breakable leak-proof containers.We strive to be a healthy School and as such we encourage children to eat healthily. Please do not send sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks in packed lunches. 

We are very aware of the risk of allergies.  We feel the best way to reduce risk of accidental exposure is to respectfully ask for the co-operation of the parents/guardians within this school community to:

Avoid sending peanut butter or products with nuts listed in the ingredients.


Children remain on the school premises during the lunchtime break where they are supervised by midday supervisors and teaching assistants. Your child will be encouraged to eat as much of their lunch as possible but we never force a child to eat. We will let you know if your child has any issues in eating their lunch.

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