School Vision
'Believe in the light, whilst you have the light, so that you may become children of light.' John 12:36
Love; Learn; Aspire; Achieve
At the heart of everything is a personalised
approach to each unique individual as part of our
Christian community.
The strong family ethos ensures that all children
feel valued and grow in self-confidence.
Enthusiastic staff, with high expectations
demonstrate care beyond the classroom.
Through God's guidance we encourage his light in
each and every child to discover their gifts and
Believe in the light, while you have the light, so that you may become children of light. John 12:36
Without exception, we welcome every child into our school and all in school will ensure that each child will flourish.
We all believe that you get one chance in this life and we only work to ensuring that every KSJer can love, can learn, can aspire and can achieve.
We believe in their own light and work tirelessly to help them realise their own light to shine in this world. So we say - (we and you must) believe in the light, whilst you have the light. The next step is to share that light and belief in others - become children of light. Only encourage, only give unconditional positive regard, only ever share kind eyes. Do this, and you will become children of light and walk in the way Jesus taught us.
Go and make a difference to this world, whoever you are, whatever your background, your belief, your culture, your gender, your age.
We are all children of God with a light to shine. We are all children of light.
We aim to have at the heart of all we do, the following successful outcomes for our pupils:-
We nurture - to give all the ultimate worth, as shown in gospels
We build confidence - through teaching, healing, feeling, sharing, befriending and forgiving.
We advise and teach how to support - like Jesus showed us through his teachings
We love and teach how to love - As we are loved by God
We show and teach forgiveness - as Jesus did with so many, Zacchaeus, Lazarus, Paul, Thomas, Judas, Barabbas
We offer opportunities to work alongside our community - knowing the way, showing the way and going the way
We teach tolerance - showing our faith that God's plan builds our resilience
We teach to accept difference, not indifference. - As Jesus did with the leper and as Jesus accepts us - everyone of us into his heart
We celebrate uniqueness and individuality - every child is a child God made to contribute to our world.
We find, highlight and share positivity
We balance our emotions - like Jesus calmed the waters, like Moses was able
We meet individual needs, whatever they may be
We create and enable friendships - like Ruth and Naomi showed us
We structure play and communication - through listening, through prayer and through the Holy Spirit
We welcome support from outside agencies in order that we can channel the right support - As Jesus needed his disciples to support and guide, so we look to others with more knowledge, to help serve us.
We look after each other
We show our pupils how to find the successes in others - as Jesus saw success
We celebrate achievements together - as a family, brothers and sisters
We care beyond the classroom - unconditionally
We teach a broad curriculum underpinned by Christian Values and British Values - the values that are taught throughout the bible, where psalms and parables show us the way
We allow all in the community the foundations to build relationships which can cross barriers of difference.