Personal, Social ,Health Education

"Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become

children of light.”


PHSE Curriculum 


Through PHSE the children will learn about Jesus' love for them, and how to love and respect others through his teachings. They will learn the skills to flourish in his world and build respectful and healthy relationships with others now and in the future. Learning about ourselves, loving and accepting ourselves, our gifts and believing in our own light is as important as respecting, supporting and guiding others with theirs. Our PHSE Curriculum supports us to do this safely, in a healthy way and builds our understanding of who we are as one of God's children.It helps our children and young people stay healthy and safe whilst preparing them for life and work.

PHSE is interwoven through all aspects of learning at Kingsley St John's - not just a one off lesson.  We build on the curriculum offered in all that we do.  It is a strength of our school as we create a learning and teaching environment that nurtures and develops the whole child in preparation to become citizens of the world.

A KSJ Child is treasured and appreciated so that they can live their life - and take with them into the next stage of the their educational life in all its fullness. 


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In PHSE our pupils are taught about six key topics, these include:

  • Healthy me
  • Global community
  • Diversity and discrimination
  • Career paths and aspirations
  • Finance
  • Relationships and changing me

In PHSE, we also learn about British values. These are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Tolerance of different cultures and religions
  • Mutual respect
  • Individual liberty

In Britain, our British values are protected in law. In PHSE we learn to recognise protected characteristics which are part of the Equality Act (2010). This law helps to stop discrimination and ensure everyone is treated fairly. There are 9 protected characteristics, these are:

  • Race and ethnicity
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Gender
  • Religion or belief
  • Marriage and civil partnerships

We use No Outsiders materials to help our learning in these areas in an age appropriate way :



As a 'Rights Respecting School' Kingsley St John's  is a place where we can all feel confident with ourselves and be encouraged to use our voice. It helps build confidence and  helps raise awareness of injustice in the world.

Being part of the Archbishop of York Young Leaders programme enables us to empower our young people to serve their generation, putting the needs of others before themselves, as displayed in the life of Jesus and people from many faith traditions.


Link to parents consultation survey for RHSE


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