Mental Health and Wellbeing


Keeping our children healthy in their minds is a vital responsibility we have and a very high priority for all adults in our school.  As a staff team we are passionate about this aspect of our children's development and recognise it as a life-long aspect of learning and understanding.

We have trained Senior Mental Health and Trauma-Informed Leads in school, and we subscribe to the Our Way of Working Approach which ensures a trauma-informed stance on working with children and families.

Pupil Wellbeing

  • Safe and trusted adults to talk to ,including our ELSA Mrs Armstrong
  • Access to our Nest
  • Oasis club at Lunchtime
  • Sensory room and sensory support in each class
  • Sensory trail outside
  • Staff trained in Zones of Regulations to support our pupils in recognising and regulating their emotions
  • PHSE curriculum
  • KICK who  provide high quality values-based Sports Coaching provision, Mentoring and Sports Chaplaincy
  • Dramatherapy and music therapy provided by Musability





 Links to further support


Please see our padlet for signposting,resources and support for social,emotional mental health :




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