Class 1 -Wrens 2024 - 2025

Mrs Gibson

Mrs Raynor


"Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become

children of light.”




               Welcome to class 1

              We are the Wrens, Year 1 and 2.


Our staff

  Mrs Gibson and Mrs Raynor are our class teachers. Mrs Sherlock ,Miss Hay and Mrs Hudson will be supporting our learning.




Below is some useful information relating to our year together in Wrens and your child's learning. However, if you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to contact us:

Follow what we've been up to on our school twitter with our hashtag #Wrens


Spring Term 2025

Happy New Year and welcome back Wrens! We are so excited to share this year together as you move through KS1.


Our Christian values for this term are Service ,Humility ,Trust ,Forgiveness, Compassion

Jesus said a lot about how we should treat others. He said, ‘Always treat others as you want them to treat you.’ And he also said, ‘Whenever you do something for someone else, you do it for me.This is what we are here for: to serve and to be kind


Our class novel for this term will be 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith.




As writers, we will use 'The Lion Inside'  by Rachel Bright and Jim Field to write a story about a small animal (mouse) who befriends a large animal in the African savannah.For Spring 2 we will write a story based on the structure of ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth’ by Ellie Hattie,with a change of character

Our daily routine will include spelling and grammar,handwriting and guided reading sessions. Daily reading at home continues to be essential and we would ask that you read regularly at home with your child to develop a love of reading.Set aside a specific time for reading every day and make reading a priority. Try not to do the reading when you are both tired! Walk through the book first and discuss the pictures and the important words. Always remember to keep reading aloud to your child even when they can read independently.

Our Wrens will continue to access phonics ,using our Twinkl phonics scheme.By the end of Year 1, children should be able to:

  • Say the sound for any grapheme they are shown
  • Write the common graphemes for any given sound (e.g. ‘e,’ ‘ee,’ ‘ie,’ ‘ea’)
  • Use their phonics knowledge to read and spell unfamiliar words of up to three syllables.
  • Read all of the 100 high frequency words, and be able to spell most of them
  • Form letters correctly

At the end of Year 1, all children are given a Phonics Screening Check to ensure they have mastered the appropriate knowledge.

Level 6 takes place throughout Year 2, with the aim of children becoming fluent readers and accurate spellers.

The Lion Inside.png



We will continue to use Pathways to Spell as part of our english lessons to develop spelling strategies and learn spelling rules ,as well as the Y1/2 common exception words



As mathematicians, we follow the White Rose planning. Through the spring term we will work on place value,addition and subtraction,money,multiplication,length and height and mass and capacity.The children will learn through concrete experiences moving onto pictorial and abstract methods as their confidence builds.They will also be expected to use their learning to reason about maths and solve problems. 



As scientists we will be investigating plants,identifying and naming a variety of common wild and garden plants,including deciduous and evergreen trees.We will learn how to dentify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees using the work of our focus scientists Beatrix Potter and John Ray. 

Beatrix Potter  · V&A.jpg



As historians and geographers we will begin the year looking at our local area and comparing with a non-European country. We will look at Delamere Forest and Daintree Rainforest in Australia ,as well as exploring the human and physical geography of both areas.

Delamere or Daintree.png



In RE we will explore : Why did Jesus welcome everyone? using Questful RE. We will celebrate the festival of Easter at St John's church and think about :Why do Christians believe that Easter is all about love?




In PE we will look at invasi9n games,developing our skills, agility and coordination,helping to build our confidence and competence and thinking about what makes a good team. We will continue our weekly yoga sessions to help with our mindfulness and regulation.


In PHSE,we will have focused time on our British Values: democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs as well as the nine protected characteristics which will be supported by our Y6 roundabout worship team with their weekly 'Picture News' assemblies.

Art and Design

As artists,we will be exploring the work of Cornish artist,John Dyer who creates rainforest scenes.In 1989, British Artist John Dyer explored the Amazon as a photographer for Thames TV. At that time an Amazonian Indian, Nixiwaka, was a small boy living with his tribe the Yawanawá in the Amazon Rainforest. 26 years later, John and Nixiwaka met at the Eden Project. John Dyer’s Amazon experience turned him into an artist and painter and John discovered that one of Nixiwaka’s dreams was to paint

As designers, we will be looking at textiles.



As musicians we will be learning to listen,recognise different sounds and exploring percusstion.


As digital citizens, we will be making music then looking at data and pictograms.We will continue tolook at how to keep ourselves safe online.


Homework will be sent out on Friday to be returned on or before the following Wednesday.  We expect each piece to take about 15 minutes.  Please come and see us if there are any difficulties or write a note on the piece of work


General information

  • Long hair tied up.
  • Please have a bottle of water at school every day.
  • Please bring a small school bag, reading book and reading record every day.
  • Homework will be sent out on a Friday and returned on or before the Wednesday.
  • All school uniform needs to be named. 
  •  PE kits to  be in all the time. Please add a jumper, trousers, and gloves as it might be that we go outside. 







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KINGSLEY ST JOHN'SChurch of England Primay School


We are a small Church of England
school in the heart of Cheshire who
have an excellence for personalising
learning and supporting pupils to
meet their academic potential.


School Bursar | Emily Bennett

01244 738434

SENCo | Sam Gibson


Hollow Lane,
Kingsley, WA6 8EF

Headteacher | Rachel Jones